
First, we advise you to create a conda environment in Python 3.9, in which you will run Napari:

conda create -n svetlana_env python=3.9
conda activate svetlana_env
conda install pip
python -m pip install "napari[all]"==0.4.17

It is essential to install this particular version of Napari, as Svetlana is not compatible with later versions. Then, Svetlana can be installed either directly from Napari’s plugin manager, or typing:

pip install napari_svetlana


If you have a CUDA compatible GPU on your computer, some computations may be accelerated using the CuPy package. Unfortunately, CuPy needs CUDA toolkit to be installed. This library can only be installed via Conda while the plugin is a pip plugin, so it must be installed manually for the moment:

conda install cudatoolkit=10.2

Also note that the library Cucim that we use to improve these performances, computing morphological operations on GPU is unfortunately only available for Linux systems. Hence, if you are a Windows user, this installation is not necessary.